crowdfunding,cryptocurrency,hyip,investment,investment management system,trading
ProInvest is a fully functional web app for managing investments conveniently. It allows you to register users, take deposits, remit earnings and process both single and multi-level referral earnings. With ProInvest you’ll be able to setup your own platform as fast as possible.Major payment gateways and cryptocurrencies supported include Payeer, Stripe, Coinpayments (BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH, XRP and BCH), Paypal, Paystack, Coinbase and Perfect Money.
The platform has been built on CodeIgniter v3.0. It also uses jQuery and Bootstrap.You can add anything to easily customize the system if you are familiar with PHP/ CodeIgniter.
Version 3.9 [06/10/2022] 1. [BUG FIX] Signup email
Version 3.8 [25/09/2022] 1. [BUG FIX] Signup email issue
Version 3.7 [21/02/2022] 1. [NEW] Email verification on signup 2. [NEW] Require Phones on signup 3. [BUG FIX] Perfect Money 4. [NEW] Email templates support UTF8 encoding 5. [BUG FIX] Total balance calculation 6. [BUG FIX] User referral table navigation
Version 3.6 [24/11/2021] 1. [BUG FIX] Google Auth issue 2. [BUG FIX] Coinbase commerce ipn issue 3. [NEW] Multiple periods for plans
Version 3.3 [20/04/2021] 1. [BUG FIX] Deposit and referral distribution issue
Version 3.2 [16/04/2021] 1. [NEW] New Template 2. [NEW] Allow user to disable frontend templates 3. [NEW] Set default language 4. [NEW] Referrals List 5. [BUG FIX] Add deposit manager role
Version 3.1 [10/02/2021] 1. [NEW] Recaptcha addition on contact us forms 2. [NEW] Timezone support 3. [BUG FIX] Coinbase Commerce Payment Method 4. [BUG FIX] KYC Pagination Issue 5. [BUG FIX] Withdrawal method issue: Perfect Money, Payeer, Paystack 6. [BUG FIX] Language translation in other sections 7. [BUG FIX] KYC ProInvest name removal 8. [BUG FIX] PNG|PDF|JPG upload issue for bank transactions 9. [BUG FIX] Delete payment methods error
Version 3.0 [04/01/2021] 1. [NEW] Coinbase Commerce Payment Method 2. [NEW] Perfect Money Payment Method. 3. [NEW] Withdrawal Fees Feature. 4. [NEW] KYC Feature 5. [NEW] Languages (Português, Español & German) 6. [BUG FIX] Coinpayments Payment Method 7. [BUG FIX] Web builder
Version 2.4 [01/09/2020] 1. [BUG FIX] Reset password. 2. [NEW] User wallet (Allows user to invest from account balance). 3. [BUG FIX] Withdrawal issue.
Version 2.3 [11/08/2020] 1. [BUG FIX] Web builder endless loading. 2. [BUG FIX] Profile picture change. 3. [BUG FIX] Coinpayments incorrect QR code issue.
Version 2.2 [07/08/2020] 1. [NEW] SMTP Email Setup documentation. 2. [NEW] Email Template change documentation. 3. [BUG FIX] Investment plans business days issue. 4. [BUG FIX] Referrals error.
Version 2.1 [06/08/2020] 1. [BUG FIX] Installation issue.
Version 2.0 [01/08/2020] 1. [NEW] Language Translate Feature. 2. [NEW] Payeer payment gateway. 3. [NEW] Paystack payment gateway. 4. [NEW] Google Auth. 4. [NEW] Authy. 5. [NEW] Tawk chat plugin integration. 6.[NEW] Frontend HTML Editor
Version 1.3 [08/02/2020] 1. [NEW] Paypal Integration. 2. [NEW] Twilio SMS integration. 3. [NEW] Email Protocol setup option. 4. [BUG FIX] Offline bank transfer option. 5. [NEW] Coinpayments IPN (auto deposit) issue.
Version 1.2 [20/01/2020] 1. [NEW] Dynamic currency change and dollar exchange rate. 2. [NEW] Automatic emails on earnings (Cron jobs). 3. [NEW] Email templates & payment API/methods select loader. 4. [NEW] Offline Bank Transfer Option 5. [NEW] Dynamic favicon change 6. [BUG FIX] New deposit error for plans with similar payout and maturity periods. 7. [BUG FIX] Client counter update.
Version 1.1 [13/01/2020] 1. [NEW] Error pages. 2. [Bug Fix] XSS filtering.