Mobile App reskinning

We provide the following services in Setup and deployment which makes it Business ready.

1. Change of App Name and everything related to your Organization.
2. (It may be Logo / Bundle Identifiers / Splash page / Website Linking and Information / Term & Conditions / About Us / Header and Menu Background colours.)
3. Firebase Project and Database Configuration.
4. Configuring Payment Gateway credentials on source code.
5. Hosting Admin Panel and Firebase Functions on Firebase Server.
6. Facebook App Configuration for Facebook Login and Facebook configuration for Firebase.
7. Preparing Google Map API Key and other required APIs from Google and setting up on code.
8. Setting up Push Notification keys and Certificates on Apple Developer portal and Expo.
9. Generating Android Key-store and setting up the Play-store Account and Apple Developer Account for the App.
10. Generating Production Signing Certificate for Apple Store Upload.
11. Generating all Key and IDs needed for Apple Login.
12. Compiling and Building the 2 Projects, App and Web Portal for production.
13. Generating all required screenshots and Metadata and Policies for uploading both the Apps.
15.Creating various videos needed to get the Apps approved.
16.Finally, upload the App and handle any Apple / Google rejections regarding Owner, Legal or Metadata.
We charge 200$ in total for this. Below is the breakup.

1. 20$ for Web and Server Side.
2. 30$ for Android and Play store.
3. 30$ for iOS and Apple Store.

It takes 4 days to complete.


1. This is only an installation service.
2. Apple and Google takes couple of days or more to approve. We are not responsible for this delay.
3. The Installation and App Store deploy service does not include any kind of code customizations.