ficKrr - Multivendor Digital Marketplace With Subscription

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coupon system,digital downloads,flash deals,licens
e keys,multi vendor,order invoice generate,paypal stripe paystack coinpayments coingate,pr
te,paypal stripe paystack coinpayments coingate,product import export excel,rating reviews,refund request,serial keys,support system,user roles with p


fickrr is multivendor digital marketplace with subscription.You can selling your items an online store to suitable marketplace. Suitable selling items are themes, scripts, plugins, print, graphics, mobile app, software, audio files, videos, music, digital art, filters, templates, photos, license keys / serial keys… etc. Script Developed with PHP Laravel & Mysql and Bootstrap4 Support. There are many powerful features for subscription enable / disable, user roles, flash deals, blog, payment gateways, social login & shares, multilanguage, multicurrency & recaptcha, guest checkout, import / export product, pdf invoice generate, referral earnings, exclusive and non exclusive commission based earnings…ect we provide to help of details documentation it will take few minutes to quick installation.

Our Support:


Related Marketplace Script


Laravel 10

Guest Checkout

License keys / Serial keys


Payment Gateways

File Cloud Storage

Progressive Web Apps

File Accepted Extension

Internal Message system

Drag and Drop Files Upload

Unlimited Subscription Plan

Email Template

Verify Purchase

Types of Preview



Header Layout

Google Adsense

Shop Filter

Shop Filter

Buyer Reviews:

Buyer Reviews

Free Installation:


User Features:

  • Sell Digital Products
  • Multi Vendor Support
  • Multi Language
  • Multi Currency
  • 100% responsive design
  • Laravel 10.48.12
  • Bootstrap
  • Font awesome icons
  • Easy installation
  • Build Your Own Store
  • Featured items
  • Flash Sale items
  • Free items
  • Popular items
  • Newest items
  • Related items
  • Ajax autocomplete
  • Price filter,category, text filter and display order filter
  • Pagination for blog and product items,product comment,product reviews..ect
  • Blog
  • Cookie Popup
  • Promotion Popup
  • Comment for blog and product items
  • Product items license support system
  • Dynamic pages
  • Pages menus are main menu and footer menu
  • Contact Us Page
  • Login,Register,Forgot
  • Email confirmation for registration ON / OFF
  • Manual Payment Confirmation ON / OFF
  • Sale Count ON/OFF
  • Amazon S3 File Storage
  • Wasabi Storage
  • Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
  • URL Slug Rewriting ON / OFF
  • Iframe Preview
  • Video & Audio Preview
  • Social Share, Social Login & Social Links
  • Shop page
  • Invoice PDF Generate
  • Subscription
  • Free subscription
  • Subscriber Downloads
  • Vendor direct payment
  • Cart
  • Checkout
  • My Purchases
  • My Profile
  • My Favourites
  • Watermark
  • Tawk live chat
  • Guest checkout ON / OFF
  • Refund request system
  • Deposit cash system
  • Item Type Dynamically add / edit / delete
  • Attributes Dynamically add / edit / delete
  • Exclusive & Non Exclusive Commission System
  • Product files Drag and Drop upload
  • Country based Value Added Tax (VAT)
  • Referral System
  • XML sitemap feed
  • License Key / Serials key
  • Stripe Intents API / Charges API
  • Top Authors
  • Coupon Code
  • Lazy Loading
  • Vendor / Customer followers and following system
  • Internal message system buyer / seller using ajax, emoji
  • Free item support price Yes / No option
  • Vendor / Customer profile page
  • Review and Ratings for items
  • Rating notification email
  • Payment Gateways are Paypal, Stripe, Paystack, Wallet, Localbank, Razorpay, Payumoney, Payhere, 2checkout, Iyzico, Flutterwave, Coingate, Payfast, Coinpayments, Sslcommerz, Instamojo, aamarPay, Mollie, Robokassa, Mercadopago, Midtrans, Coinbase, Cashfree, Nowpayments Integrated
  • Withdrawal Option for paypal, stripe, paystack, localbank, Payfast, Paytm Wallet, UPI, Skrill
  • Load More ajax system
  • Customer withdrawal request
  • Blog Category
  • Items Category
  • Pending refund request
  • Pending Withdrawal
  • Order Management
  • and more….

Admin Features:

  • Powerful Admin Panel
  • Dashboard
  • Admin sales report chart
  • Total orders
  • Total vendors
  • Total referral earnings
  • Admin referral earnings
  • Total admin earning
  • Total referrals
  • Withdrawal payout
  • Total refund request
  • Admin manage add,edit and delete product items
  • Font selector
  • Product Import / Export Excel
  • Manage categories
  • Manage sub categories
  • User Role Management
  • Subscription enable / disable
  • Google recaptcha enable / disable
  • Free subscription enable / disable
  • Item fields enable / disable features
  • License duration change dynamically
  • Custom css & js widget
  • Login as Vendor
  • Google Adsense
  • Two types of header option
  • Ajax / Normal types of shop filter
  • Item Type
  • Reports
  • Attributes
  • Country
  • Features
  • Deposit system
  • Start Sellings
  • Email Template
  • Newsletter
  • Order Details
  • Backup System
  • Refund Request
  • Rating & Reviews
  • Withdrawal Request
  • Dynamic Pages
  • Contact Information
  • Blog Management
  • General Settings
  • Color Settings
  • Badges Settings
  • Email Settings
  • Media Settings
  • Currency Settings
  • Payment Settings
  • Social Settings
  • Limitation Settings
  • Preferred Settings
  • Language Settings
  • PWA Settings
  • and more…


  • PHP >= 8.1
  • MySQL >= 8.1
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension


Frontend :

Admin :

Username : admin

Password : admin

Vendor :

Username : vendor

Password : 123456

Customer :

Username : customer

Password : 123456

Online Documentation:

Laravel Version:

laravel 10.48.12

Change Log:

Version 3.9
Update - Shop page item type & categories counts updated
Update - Laravel 10.48.12 version updated
Fix    - Maintenance mode "ON" front panel admin showing issue fixed
Update - Contact page map, phone number & new design updated
Fix    - Item review notification item slug issue fixed
Fix    - Item Approved / Rejected email issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 3.8
Add    - Guest checkout ON / OFF option updated
Update - Laravel 10.48.10 version updated
Add    - Item comment display from admin panel
Fix    - checkout firstname, lastname issue fixed
Update - Register page terms checkbox option added
Fix    - Shop page mobile pagination issue fixed
Fix    - Login as vendor button issue fixed
Update - Sale price rounded format updated
Update - All Password field text to password updated
Update - Admin vendor page all payment option updated
Update - Item details thumbnail to preview image meta tags updated
Add    - Snippet code added on item details page
Fix    - Flash sale page percentage issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 3.7
Add    - Cashfree payment gateway integrated
Update - Laravel 10.46.0 version updated
Add    - Nowpayments payment gateway integrated
Add    - Report option added via admin
Add    - Affiliate Referral ON/OFF option updated
Update - Purchase code & Product ID invoice download PDF
Fix    - Checkout password field is fixed
Add    - Promotion popup
Update - Favicon issue updated
Update - Seo meta tags updated
Fix    - Product details image issue fixed
Fix    - Star rating ON/OFF fixed on top author
Fix    - Mobile responsive bottom empty space fixed
Fix    - Ajax shop textbox search issue fixed
Fix    - Profile page mobile menu fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 3.6
Add    - Multiple currency
Update - Laravel 10.40.0 version updated
Remove - Open exchange rates currency conversion removed
Fix    - Withdrawal request delete to reversal issue fixed
Update - Home page seo title field updated
Update - Import product excel sheet header updated
Fix    - Slug multidash issue fixed
Update - Sale count ON/OFF option updated
Update - Deposit localbank option updated
Fix    - Homepage search issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 3.5
Add    - Coinbase payment gateway integrated
Update - Laravel 10.26.2 version updated
Add    - Coinbase checkout, deposit & subscription updated
Update - Open exchange rates currency conversion updated
Update - Stripe Charge / Intents updated
Update - Admin subadmin page updated
Update - Admin Customer / Vendor page updated
Update - Admin Orders page updated
Fix    - Mobile profile menu fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 3.4
Add    - Midtrans payment gateway integrated
Update - Laravel 9.52.15 version updated
Add    - Midtrans checkout, deposit & subscription updated
Update - Purchase code new format updated
Add    - Message to the Reviewer field added on item page
Fix    - Chat conversation issue fixed
Fix    - Profile author logo showing issue fixed
Update - Tawk chat make optional updated
Update - Add more options on reviews
Update - Logo size option (Desktop / Laptop / Tablet & Mobile) updated on general settings
Fix    - Watermark option update issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 3.3
Add    - Mercadopago payment gateway integrated
Update - Google analytics updated
Update - Wasabi storage updated
Update - Laravel 9.52.10 version updated
Add    - Mercadopago checkout, deposit & subscription updated
Add    - Progressive Web Apps (PWA) integrated
Fix    - Admin item download issue fixed
Fix    - Frontend extended license field issue fixed
Add    - Admin panel pwa settings page added
Update - Some css design updated
Version 3.2
Add    - Robokassa payment gateway integrated
Update - Item price float value updated
Update - Laravel 9.52.9 version updated
Add    - Robokassa checkout, deposit & subscription updated
Update - Flash sale discount option updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 3.1
Add    - Mollie payment gateway integrated
Fix    - Deposit price issue fixed
Update - Laravel 9.52.7 version updated
Update - Mollie checkout, deposit & subscription updated
Fix    - Frontend file extension issue fixed
Fix    - Subscription price issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 3.0
Update - Main file any file upload option updated
Update - Laravel 9.52.4 version updated
Add    - File accepted extension option added
Update - Google recaptcha V3 updated
Update - Multiple checked delete option update on items & trash items
Remove - Dropbox, Google Drive storage removed 
Fix    - Signup username validation issue fixed
Fix    - Edit vendor update issue fixed
Fix    - Edit item serial & delimiter fields issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 2.9
Add    - aamarPay payment gateway integrated
Fix    - Stripe price issue fixed
Add    - Front panel theme font selector added
Fix    - Item add / edit external link issue fixed
Update - Website speed optimization updated
Update - Language translation Database Storage To File Storage updated
Fix    - Rating mail username issue fixed
Update - aamarPay checkout, deposit & subscription updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 2.8
Update - Google adsense ON / OFF updated
Update - Google adsense dynamically manage pages
Fix    - Item preview mobile responsive issue fixed
Update - Admin trash item search & pagination updated
Update - Laravel 8.83.27 version updated
Update - Two type of header layout updated
Update - Ajax / Normal types of shop filter updated
Fix    - Product import excel fixed
Add    - Homepage search category option added
Fix    - Tinymce editor hyperlink path issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 2.7
Add    - Purchase order confirmation email notification by customer updated
Add    - Stripe Intents API / Charges API option added
Update - Laravel 8.83.26 version updated
Add    - License Key / Serials key file type option added
Add    - Withdrawal manual payment for crypto option added
Add    - Custom css & js widget added
Update - Currency symbol / code position change option updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 2.6
Add    - Guest checkout updated
Fix    - Sslcommerz, Instamojo and Stripe Payment Intents deposit issue fixed
Update - Laravel 8.83.24 version updated
Update - Deposit information updated
Update - Chat conversation enable / disable option updated
Update - Subscription pack design settings option updated
Fix    - Admin panel chat message emoji issue fixed
Update - Disable view source code ON/OFF option updated
Update - Admin panel deposit separate menu updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 2.5
Add    - Sslcommerz payment gateway integrated
Fix    - Google drive download file issue fixed
Update - Laravel 8.83.23 version updated
Add    - Instamojo payment gateway integrated
Fix    - Any format youtube url issue fixed
Update - Subscriber Downloads Premium Files
Update - Admin items page search box updated
Add    - Subscriber Downloads Page & Menu item added front panel
Update - Stripe Payment Intents API Updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 2.4
Update - Deposit system all payment gateway option updated
Update - Laravel 8.83.16 version updated
Add    - Vendor payment checkout wallet option updated
Update - Tawk admin option changed
Add    - Item "webp" image format added
Update - Admin vendor payment option updated
Update - Admin earning balance change option updated
Update - Website speed optimization updated
Update - Items, Blog pagination updated
Add    - Item all images Lazy loading updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 2.3
Update - Product item images store to cloud storage option
Update - Laravel 8.83.13 version updated
Fix    - Item details page attributes & tag design issue fixed
Add    - Admin dashboard Total referral earnings, Admin referral earnings, Total admin earning, Total referrals, Withdrawal payout, and Total refund request
Fix    - Item update date and create date fixed
Add    - Admin vendor page subscription details added
Add    - Vendor subscription payment details page added
Update - Some css design updated
Version 2.2
Update - Paytm Wallet,UPI,Skrill withdrawal option updated
Update - Laravel 8.83.6 version updated
Add    - Load more ajax items display updated
Add    - Coinpayments payment gateway integrated
Update - User permission for email template, clear cache, upgrade and backups updated
Remove - Unwanted files & source code are removed
Add    - Backup System added (database & files)
Update - Tinymce editor image upload option update
Update - Some css design updated
Version 2.1
Add    - Payfast payment gateway integrated 
Add    - Iframe item preview added
Add    - Payfast withdrawal request added
Fix    - XML feed slug issue fixed
Update - Processing types fixed/percentage option updated
Update - Sale referral commission types fixed/percentage option updated
Update - Disable refund request when money back guarantee time expire elapse updated
Update - Checkout payment option auto checked updated
Fix    - Edit item image delete issue fixed
Update - Invoice (PDF) multi language ON/OFF option updated
Update - Refund request delete option updated
Update - Withdrawal delete option updated
Fix    - Category & Page add / edit issue fixed
Update - Laravel 8.83.2 version updated
Fix    - Newsletter email template issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 2.0
Add    - URL Slug Rewriting ON / OFF
Update - Contact page email,phone,address ON / OFF option updated
Update - Laravel 8.80 version updated
Fix    - Item type edit issue fixed
Fix    - AWS S3, Dropbox & Wasabi delete file issue fixed
Add    - Google storage integrated
Fix    - Sitemap category slug issue fixed
Update - Arabic invoice RTL format updated
Remove - User profile page gplus link removed
Fix    - Images slug & Item slug fixed
Update - Text Limitation update on limitation settings
Update - User profile page instagram,linkedin,pinterest link updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 1.9
Add    - Verify purchased enable / disable option updated
Update - Subscription email template updated
Add    - Deposit cash system added
Update - Laravel 8.75 version updated
Update - New currency conversion updated
Update - User profile send message recaptcha updated
Update - Google analytics code updated
Fix    - New signup & social login download count issue fixed
Fix    - Item delete all files (images,mp3,mp4,zip) issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 1.8
Add    - Dropbox storage integrated
Add    - Audio preview (mp3) updated
Update - Video preview (mp4) player updated
Update - Download limit manage edit customer/vendor pages
Update - Laravel 8.70 version updated
Fix    - Register confirmation mail issue fixed
Fix    - Withdrawal page issue fixed
Update - Social login download count updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 1.7
Add    - Purchase code verify option update
Fix    - Item page space issue fixed
Update - Item file download option updated
Add    - iPay(mpesa) payment gateway integration
Add    - Trash option added for admin item page
Add    - Permanently delete option added for item page
Fix    - Other language invoice (PDF) question mark or symbol issue fixed
Update - Laravel 8.61 version updated
Update - Item add / edit meta option
Fix    - Item slug capital letter issue fixed
Update - Dropzone delete update updated
Add    - Email template option updated
Update - Coupon code option updated via admin
Remove - Footer google icon option removed
Add    - Item page pinterest share update
Update - admin upgrade option ajax to upload
Update - Some css design updated
Version 1.6
Add    - Subscription download limit capabilities
Add    - Image quality option added
Fix    - XML sitemap date format issue fixed
Fix    - Item type update issue fixed
Update - Rating & Review admin panel edit option
Update - Clear cache admin panel option
Update - Refund request Enable/Disable option
Fix    - Scroll to top issue fixed
Update - Laravel 8.55 version updated
Fix    - Google analytics frontend issue fixed
Fix    - Contact page google recaptcha ON/OFF issue fixed
Fix    - Mobile menu my account dropdown issue fixed
Update - Seo optimization improved
Update - Browse to upgrade option updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 1.5
Add    - Iyzico payment integrated
Add    - Flutterwave payment integrated
Add    - Coingate payment integrated
Update - Laravel 8.49 latest version updated
Fix    - Duplicate subcategory menu issue fixed
Update - Product files Drag and Drop upload
Fix    - Category product display issue fixed
Update - Customer/Vendor after login to profile page updated
Update - Item refund term field mandatory removed
Fix    - Free item issue fixed
Update - Exclusive author field update on admin vendor page
Add    - Country based VAT/tax calculate 
Update - Admin order page VAT fee updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 1.4
Add    - 2checkout payment integrated
Update - Laravel 8.44 latest version updated
Add    - Tawk live chat integrated
Add    - Internal message system buyer / seller using ajax, emoji
Update - Seo keywords, description dynamically update for pages and posts
Fix    - Product details page mobile responsive fixed
Update - Login as customer option updated
Fix    - RTL icon,homepage issue fixed
Fix    - Watermark issue fixed on S3 Storage
Update - Profile settings page password field updated
Update - Free item support price Yes / No option updated
Fix    - Item slug issue fixed
Update - Pages slug updated
Add    - Wasabi storage integrated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 1.3
Add    - Item fields enable / disable features added
Update - Laravel 8.37 latest version updated
Fix    - Homepage mobile issue right side space fixed
Fix    - Vendor profile page payment setting fixed
Update - My sale page payment status & payment type updated
Add    - Footer logo added
Fix    - Page loading image center alignment on mobile view fixed
Fix    - User dashboard private message issue fixed
Update - Item details page already purchased item button updated
Fix    - Vendor stripe payment setting fixed
Fix    - Frontend Item add / edit without file upload issue fixed
Update - Category & Subcategory any language slug updated
Add    - License duration change dynamically via admin
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 1.2
Add    - Subscription enable / disable
Update - Google recaptcha enable / disable option updated
Fix    - Subcategories deleted issue fixed
Update - Subcategory order updated
Fix    - Empty cart issue fixed
Fix    - Item details page empty space issue fixed
Update - Refund Term, Money back guarantee updated
Add    - Free subscription enable / disable
Add    - Vendor direct payment
Add    - Payumoney payment gateway integrated
Add    - Payhere payment gateway integrated
Update - Vendor account verification updated
Add    - Admin manage Login as Vendor
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 1.1
Update - Laravel 8.25 latest version updated
Add    - Razorpay payment gateway integrated
Add    - Open exchange rates currency conversion integrated
Fix    - Amazon s3 issue fixed
Update - Per sale Referral commission updated
Fix    - New user signup Referral issue fixed
Update - Order delete option update
Update - Sale, Purchase pages Referral commission & Total Referrals updated.
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 1.0 - Initial Release









Lazy loading






















Amazon S3

Progressive Web Apps (PWA)





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