TCG AGENCY - Django Agency With Custom Dashboard

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admin dashboard,agency website,creative agency,cus
tom dashboard,django,email marketing,marketing tools,portfolio showcase,responsive design,
keting tools,portfolio showcase,responsive design,seo tools,user management,web application,web development,website management


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About TCG AGENCY – Django Agency With Custom Dashboard

TCG AGENCY combines a stunning frontend with a powerful admin dashboard to provide a comprehensive solution for creative agencies, developers, and businesses. With its user-friendly features, customization options, and marketing tools, it’s your go-to platform for creating, managing, and promoting your online presence.

Important Notice

Please Note: Utilizing TCG AGENCY requires basic to intermediate knowledge of Python, particularly as it relates to Django. If you’re not familiar with these technologies, we recommend consulting the included Quick Start Guide or seeking assistance from a knowledgeable professional. This ensures a smooth implementation and operation of the system.

Key Features:

Frontend Website Features:

  • Beautiful Design: TCG AGENCY boasts a captivating and user-friendly website design to make a lasting impression on your visitors.
  • Essential Pages: The frontend includes vital pages like Home, About Us, Services, Projects, Pricing, Blogs, Terms, Policy and Contact Us for a complete online presence.
  • Responsive Design: Your website will look and perform flawlessly on all devices, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Rich Elements: Incorporate essential elements such as Headers, Footers, Sliders, Testimonials, and detailed Service and Project pages to engage your audience effectively.
  • Dynamic Sitemap: TCG AGENCY generates a dynamic sitemap, enhancing SEO and helping search engines discover your content.
  • Custom Error Pages: Customize your 404 and 500 error pages to provide a user-friendly experience even when things go wrong.
  • Engaging Animations: Add eye-catching animations to captivate your audience and enhance the overall user experience.

Custom Admin Dashboard Features:

  • Sleek Dashboard: The admin dashboard offers a sleek and responsive design, making it easy to manage your website.
  • Light Mode and Dark Mode: Choose between light and dark modes for a comfortable working environment.
  • Authentication: Robust authentication and password management features keep your website secure.
  • Content Management: Easily manage website content, including pages, blogs, projects, and services, with an intuitive interface.
  • Element Management: Effortlessly handle website elements like Sliders, Fun Facts, Clients, and Team Members to keep your content fresh and engaging.
  • User Management: Define user roles (Admin and Editor), granting access based on responsibilities.
  • Form Management: Handle form submissions, including Subscription and Contact forms, with ease.
  • Menu Customization: Customize menus and submenus to create a tailored navigation experience.
  • Settings Customization: Fine-tune your website’s settings, including General, Header/Footer, and SEO settings.
  • SEO Tools: Improve your website’s visibility with built-in SEO tools, including meta tags, descriptions, and keywords.
  • Email Marketing: Utilize TCG AGENCY’s email marketing tools for bulk email campaigns, subscriber management, and email formatting.

Marketing Tools:

  • Email marketing tools for bulk email campaigns.
  • Email formatting tool for easy email address management.
  • Select specific subscribers or send emails to all subscribers.

Demo Website:

Experience the features of TCG AGENCY by visiting our demo website:

Visit demo website: Website

Visit admin dashboard: Admin Dashboard

Demo Credentials:


Username: admin

Password: Admin12@#


Username: editor

Password: Editor12@#

Quick Start Guide:

To assist users who are new to Django and Python, we’ve included a Quick Start Guide in our documentation. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to get your AGENCY up and running, and explains how to make the most of all the features included in TCG AGENCY.

Check online documentation here

Why Choose TCG AGENCY?

Discover the advantages of TCG AGENCY:

  • Seamless Website Management: Effortlessly manage your website’s content, design, and functionality.
  • Robust Admin Dashboard: Access a sleek and responsive dashboard with powerful tools for customization and user management.
  • Email Marketing: Utilize built-in email marketing tools for effective communication with your audience.
  • And many more..


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 v1.0 (23 Sep, 2023)
   - Initial Release

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