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JobFinder is a modern job finder and resume mobile app template. JobFinder developed using React Native CLI. That means that UI is compatible for both Android and iOS. In this app Animation added, clean code, well formated, easy to understand and much more.
JobFinder template provides a seamless job-seeking experience by allowing users to search for job openings based on their preferences, skills, and location. With JobFinder, users can view company profiles, apply for job listings, and track the status of their job applications in one place. This modern and user-friendly app template is easy to customize and integrate with different job portals and databases. The app’s sleek and intuitive design makes it easy to use, while its high-quality code ensures a seamless experience for users.
JobFinder is also known as the human resource app, job app, job app template, job classified app, job ionic template, recruitment app, job, job listing, job portal, job search app, profile, android, career, career management, career management system, job management system, job portal, job search hire, jobs, recruit, recruit management, recruiting management system, consultancy, employers, full job providers application, ios job apps, job seeker, recruiter, register, resume, search. Jobber app can be used for the following clone: clone, HireXL clone, indeed clone, LinkedIn clone, clone, naukri clone, clone, recruitment app.
We are constantly adding new features to our template, and this app template will not be an exception. Since all the future updates will be free of charge once you purchase the license, rest assured that you will not be denied any new feature we come up with.
If you have any kind of problem then please comment it or you can get our email address in documentation. We will solve it as soon as possible.
- Initial Release