Harmony - Project Management Tool

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Bring harmony to your teams with this amazing project management tool.


  1. Create workspaces to organize different departments in your organization (e.g. Engineering, Marketing, etc)
  2. Create Kanban Boards to track your projects
  3. Create Scrum Projects for agile development (coming soon)
  4. Instant updates across all connected members using SignalR

KANBAN features

  • Create boards
  • Add lists to boards (e.g. TODO, IN PROGRESS, DONE etc)
  • Rename & reorder lists
  • Add cards to lists
  • Reorder or move cards between lists
  • Add description to card with integrated Text Editor
  • Set due date to cards
  • Assign team members to cards
  • Add labels to cards, predefined or create new ones
  • Add check lists to cards
  • Add check list items to check lists
  • Mark check list item as completed or set a due date
  • Delete check lists
  • Upload attachments to cards, images or files
  • Archive cards
  • Display card’s activity
  • View board’s activity
  • And many more!

User access features

  • User registration and authentication
  • Search and add members to workspaces & boards
  • Workspace visibility options: Public & Private
  • Board visibility options: Private, Workspace, Public


  1. Setup the SQL Server connection string inside appsettings.json to point to your SQL Server instance.
    • Server=.;Database=Harmony;Integrated Security=True;TrustServerCertificate=True
  2. Set the Harmony.Server project as the startup project and run the application. This will create the database and run all migrations. Alternative you can open the Package Manager Console, select the src\Infrastructure\Harmony.Persistence project as the Default project and run the following command:
    • Update-Database -Context HarmonyContext -StartUpProject Harmony.Server -v

Default users created

By default two users will be created for you:

  1. username: administrator , password: Pa$$w0rd!
  2. username: johndoe , password: Pa$$w0rd!
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