DevKit - Flutter UI Kit

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devkit flutter ui kit

devkit flutter ui kit devkit flutter ui kit devkit flutter ui kit

Flutter is an open-source UI SDK created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS from a single codebase. Flutter offers native performance, Flutter’s widgets incorporate all critical platform differences such as scrolling, navigation, icons and fonts to provide full native performance on both iOS and Android.

DevKit developed and designed for Developer using Flutter. DevKit contains 600++ total of screen with many ready to used screen, widget, cupertino widget, features, function, integration and animation that can be used for multi purpose application in iOS and Android devices.

With DevKit, developer can save for 1300+ hours to develop mobile application rather than searching for features on internet.

devkit flutter ui kit

DevKit Highlight :

  • Much more than just UI
  • Compatible with Flutter 3.3.3
  • Use Null Safety
  • Web Support for Debugging
  • Clean, elegant & awesome design
  • Great animation
  • Great performance Android & iOS apps
  • PHP & MySQL Database for API using Code Igniter
  • Clean code
  • Easy to customize code
  • 600++ screen layout and 1200++ files
  • API Integration
  • Free Lifetime Updates & Customer Support

Screen List :

  • On Boarding
  • Sign In
  • Sign Up
  • Verification
  • Forgot Password
  • Home
  • User / Account
  • User Profile
  • Contact Us
  • Product List
  • Timeline
  • Notification

Awesome Features :

  • App Theme (Light Theme, Dark Theme, Custom Theme)
  • Auto Complete
  • Backdrop
  • Badges
  • Banner Slider
  • Barcode Scanner
  • Battery Information
  • Bottom Navigation
  • Bottom Sheet Featured
  • Category Menu
  • Charts (Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Time Series Charts)
  • Charts Using Syncfusion
  • Custom Icon
  • Device Information
  • Disable Screenshot
  • GridView – Dynamic Height with Staggered Grid and Waterfall Flow
  • Indicator
  • Interactive Chat
  • Interactive Chip
  • Like Button
  • Loading Animation
  • Multi Language (Even if the language not supported by material localizations)
  • Page Route Animation
  • Photo Filter
  • Pick Image Only
  • Pick & Crop Image
  • Press back 2 times
  • Rating
  • Screen Utility
  • Share Content
  • Shimmer Loading with many case
  • Signature (Digital)
  • Sliver Tab Bar
  • Sound Player
  • Sticky Header
  • Storage Location Information
  • Tutorial Highlighter
  • URL Launcher
  • Video Player
  • Webview

Widget List :

  • Absorb Pointer
  • Align Widget
  • Animated Align
  • Animated Builder
  • Animated Container
  • Animated Cross Fade
  • Animated Default TextStyle
  • Animated List
  • Animated Opacity
  • Animated Physical Model
  • Animated Positioned
  • Animated Size
  • Animated Widget
  • App Bar
  • Aspect Ratio
  • BackDropFilter Widget
  • BottomSheet
  • Card Widget
  • Chip Widget
  • ClipRRect Widget
  • Column Widget
  • Container Widget
  • DataTable
  • Decorated Box Transition
  • Dialog
  • Dismissible
  • Divider
  • Drawer
  • Expanded Widget
  • Fade Transition
  • Floating Action Button Widget
  • Flexible Widget
  • Form Component (TextField, Checkbox, RadioButton, DropdownButton, Button, Slider, Switch, ToggleButton, DatePicker, TimePicker)
  • Gesture Detector Widget
  • GridView Widget
  • Hero Widget
  • Icon Widget
  • Ignore Pointer
  • Image
  • Interactive Viewer
  • ListView Widget
  • MediaQuery
  • Opacity Widget
  • Padding Widget
  • Popup Menu Button
  • Positioned Widget
  • Progress Indicator Widget
  • Refresh Indicator Widget
  • Rotation Transition
  • Row Widget
  • Safe Area Widget
  • Scale Transition
  • Size Transition
  • Slide Transition
  • Sliver
  • Snackbar
  • Stack Widget
  • TabBar Widget
  • Table Widget
  • Text Widget
  • Transform Widget
  • Wrap Widget

Cupertino Widget :

  • Cupertino Action Sheet
  • Cupertino Activity Indicator
  • Cupertino Alert Dialog
  • Cupertino Button
  • Cupertino Context Menu
  • Cupertino Date Picker
  • Cupertino Date & Time Picker
  • Cupertino Picker
  • Cupertino Time Picker
  • Cupertino Timer Picker
  • Cupertino Dialog Action
  • Cupertino Fullscreen Dialog Transition
  • Cupertino Navigation Bar
  • Cupertino Page Routes
  • Cupertino Page Scaffold
  • Cupertino Popup Surface
  • Cupertino Scrollbar
  • Cupertino Search Text Field
  • Cupertino Segmented Control
  • Cupertino Sliding Segmented Control
  • Cupertino Slider
  • Cupertino Sliver Navigation Bar
  • Cupertino Switch
  • Cupertino Tab Bar, Tab Scaffold & TabView
  • Cupertino Text Field

Integration :

  • Maps
  • Local Push Notification
  • Get Data from API
    • GET Method
    • POST Method
    • CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
    • Login Module
    • Product Grid
    • Product ListView
  • Firebase Integrations
    • Firebase Authentication
    • Firestore
    • Firestore CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
    • Firebase Storage

Apps UI Kit :

  • Food Delivery – Multi Merchants
  • E-Commerce

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devkit flutter ui kit

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devkit flutter ui kit

devkit flutter ui kit

devkit flutter ui kit

devkit flutter ui kit

devkit flutter ui kit

devkit flutter ui kit

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devkit flutter ui kit

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devkit flutter ui kit

devkit flutter ui kit devkit flutter ui kit devkit flutter ui kit devkit flutter ui kit devkit flutter ui kit devkit flutter ui kit devkit flutter ui kit

devkit flutter ui kit

devkit flutter ui kit devkit flutter ui kit devkit flutter ui kit

devkit flutter ui kit

devkit flutter ui kit

devkit flutter ui kit

devkit flutter ui kit

v15.1.0 (October 6, 2022)
- Bug fixed for Firebase Web at Integrations
- Added Sound Player at Awesome Features
- Added Video Player Player at Awesome Features
v15.0.0 (October 3, 2022)
- Update Android targetSdkVersion to 33
- Update Packages / Plugins to the latest version
- Added Chart using SyncFusion at Awesome Features
v14.0.0 (May 17, 2022)
- Compatible with Flutter 3
- Replace deprecated code regarding the Latest Flutter SDK (3.0.0)
- Update Separated UI Kit which is compatible with the Latest Flutter SDK (3.0.0)
- Update All Packages / Plugins to the latest version
- Update code that using URL Launcher Packages
- Update code that using Crop Image Packages
- Update Firebase version on Web
- Added Disable Screenshot at Awesome Features
- Update PHP Framework using CodeIgniter 4
v13.0.0 (February 16, 2022)
- Compatible with Flutter 2.10.5
- Replace deprecated code regarding the Latest Flutter SDK (2.10.5)
- Update Separated UI Kit which is compatible with the Latest Flutter SDK (2.10.5)
v12.2.0 (February 05, 2022)
- Bug fixed for AppBar - Home 3 at Screen List
- Bug fixed for AppBar - Banner Slider 7 at Awesome Features
- Bug fixed for AppBar - Detail Restaurant at Food Delivery Apps
- Bug fixed for AppBar - Detail Food at Food Delivery Apps
- Bug fixed for AppBar - Tab Home at E-Commerce App
- Bug fixed for Cupertino Date & Time Picker 3
- Bug fixed for Cupertino Date & Time Picker 4
- Update URL of all images
- Update email address used for example
- Update separate UI Kit Apps
v12.1.1 (January 13, 2022)
- Bug Fixed on Android 12 (API 31)
- Update Separated UI Kit for E-Commerce & Food Delivery to support Android 12 (API 31)
v12.1.0 (January 04, 2022)
- Update Android targetSdkVersion to 31
- Update All Packages / Plugins to the latest version
- Breaking Changes :
    - Flutter Bloc (Compare the new code using Bloc at bloc folder)
    - Pick Image (Compare the new code using getImage)
    - Flutter Local Notification (Compare the new code using AndroidNotificationDetails)
- Update Documentation File for Fast build on MacOS
v12.0.0 (December 21, 2021)
- Compatible with Flutter 2.8
- Added Awesome Feature Section :
    - Backdrop
    - Badges
    - Indicator
    - Like Button
    - Screen Utility
    - Sticky Header
- Update some Packages / Plugins to the latest version
v11.0.0 (October 22, 2021)
- Added Device Information at Awesome Features
- Added Storage Location Information at Awesome Features
- Added Battery Information at Awesome Features
- Added Loading Animation at Awesome Features
- Added Share Content at Awesome Features
- Added 10 Bottom Navigation Style at Awesome Features
- Upgrade Gradle version to support Android 11 (API 30) - Important *
- Add code to AndroidManifest.xml regarding for a package
- Update some Packages / Plugins to the latest version
- Replace package info with new package plugin that more stable & update
- Sorting Awesome Features alphabetically
- Sorting pubspec packages / plugins alphabetically
- Change FirebaseFirestore tag version => 8.7.0
- Added Widget List :
    - Absorb Pointer
    - Animated Align
    - Animated Builder
    - Animated Cross Fade
    - Animated Default TextStyle
    - Animated Opacity
    - Animated Physical Model
    - Animated Positioned
    - Animated Size
    - Animated Widget
    - App Bar
    - Aspect Ratio
    - Decorated Box Transition
    - Dismissible
    - Fade Transition
    - Ignore Pointer
    - Interactive Viewer
    - Popup Menu Button
    - Rotation Transition
    - Scale Transition
    - Size Transition
    - Slide Transition
- Added Cupertino Widget Section :
    - Cupertino Action Sheet
    - Cupertino Activity Indicator
    - Cupertino Alert Dialog
    - Cupertino Button
    - Cupertino Context Menu
    - Cupertino Date Picker
    - Cupertino Date & Time Picker
    - Cupertino Picker
    - Cupertino Time Picker
    - Cupertino Timer Picker
    - Cupertino Dialog Action
    - Cupertino Fullscreen Dialog Transition
    - Cupertino Navigation Bar
    - Cupertino Page Routes
    - Cupertino Page Scaffold
    - Cupertino Popup Surface
    - Cupertino Scrollbar
    - Cupertino Search Text Field
    - Cupertino Segmented Control
    - Cupertino Sliding Segmented Control
    - Cupertino Slider
    - Cupertino Sliver Navigation Bar
    - Cupertino Switch
    - Cupertino Tab Bar, Tab Scaffold & TabView
    - Cupertino Text Field
- Added iOS Page at reuseable folder
v10.2.1 (October 04, 2021)
- Add a separate Apps folder that extracts from DevKit :
    - E-Commerce UI Kit
    - Food Delivery UI Kit
v10.2.0 (September 13, 2021)
- Update some Packages / Plugins to the latest version
- Bug fixed on iOS when build
- Add Local Documentation about iOS Error when build on MacOS #2
v10.1.0 (September 10, 2021)
- Compatible with Flutter 2.5
    - Remove deprecated function (brightness & ThemeData accentColor) and change with the new function
    - Update charts to compatible with Flutter 2.5
    - Fixed Scroll on Web version regarding Flutter 2.5
- Replace geocode package with new package plugin that more stable
v10.0.0 (September 02, 2021)
- Added Charts at Awesome Features
    - Bar Charts (11)
        - Simple Bar Charts
        - Custom Bar Charts
        - Bar Charts with Label Inside
        - Bar Charts with Color
        - Remove Bottom Text
        - Pattern Forward Hatch
        - Simple Multi Data
        - Multi Data with Legend
        - Multi Data with Legend Options
        - Multi Data with Legend and Value
        - RTL
    - Pie Charts (7)
        - Simple Pie Charts
        - Custom Pie Charts
        - Pie Charts with Color
        - Donut
        - Pie Charts with Legend
        - Pie Charts with Legend Options
        - Pie Charts with Value at Legend
    - Time Series Charts (9)
        - Simple Time Series Charts
        - Start from Minimal Value
        - Margin Left
        - Change Line Color and Thickness
        - Area Color
        - Show Points
        - Highlight On Select
        - Selection Callback
        - Time Series Charts with Bar
v9.1.0 (August 02, 2021)
- Added web support for Google Maps at Integrations
- Added loading indicator until the pages is ready for webview at Awesome Features
- Added show custom error pages (no internet connection) for webview at Awesome Features
v9.0.0 (June 27, 2021)
- Added Web Support for Debugging
- Added Pop Up Notification at Home Screen
- Added Pick Image Only at Awesome Features
- Added Photo Filter at Awesome Features
- Added GridView - Dynamic Height at Awesome Features
    - Staggered Grid
    - Waterfall Flow
- Change minimal Android SDK Version from 16 to 20 regarding of some package
- Add permission into AndroidManifest.xml regarding of some package
- Upgrade all packages and plugins
- Change platform :ios, '12.0' from 11 regarding of some package
v8.0.0 (April 28, 2021)
- Added Firebase Integrations
    - Firebase Authentication
    - Firestore
    - Firestore CRUD
    - Firebase Storage
- Added Firebase Integrations Documentations (Quick Guide)
- Added Auto Complete at Awesome Features
- Improve code quality - createButton at GlobalWidget
v7.0.0 (April 09, 2021)
- Major Change - Migrate DevKit to Null Safety
- Upgrade all package and plugin to use Null Safety
v6.0.0 (March 25, 2021)
- Added E-Commerce Apps
- Added Product Grid example at API Integration
- Added Product ListView example at API Integration
v5.0.1 (March 14, 2021)
- Bug fixed on error when build because of multidex
v5.0.0 (March 13, 2021)
- Support Latest Flutter SDK (2.x.x)
- Major change
    - Replace deprecated code regarding latest Flutter SDK such as List, FlatButton, RaisedButton, OutlineButton, showSnackBar, etc
v4.0.0 (February 23, 2021)
- Added URL Launcher at Awesome Features
- Added Webview at Awesome Features
- Added Tutorial Highlighter at Awesome Features
- Added Login Module at Integrations -> Get Data from API
- Added Geocoder function (Get address from latitude and longitude) at Integration -> Maps -> Google Maps Flutter
- Bug fixed on food delivery apps
    - Search address (right overflowed if the text is long)
    - Search restaurant (right overflowed if the text is long)
- Bug fixed on iOS for status bar icon brightness at Splash Screen
- Bug fixed on iOS for status bar icon brightness at Screen List
    - Sign In 1
    - Sign In 2
    - Sign In 3
    - Sign Up 1
    - Sign Up 2
    - Sign Up 3
    - Forgot Password 1
    - Forgot Password 2
    - Forgot Password 3
    - Contact Us 2
    - User Profile 2
- Bug fixed at Screen List -> Onboarding 2 (For small screen resolution)
v3.0.0 (February 20, 2021)
- Added Food Delivery - Multi Merchants
- Bug Fixed for Category Menu at Awesome Feature (add primary: false)
v2.0.1 (January 20, 2021)
- Update to better documentation file
- Remove changelog.txt and move it to documentation
v2.0.0 (January 11, 2021)
- Added in Screen List - Timeline Screen
- Added in Awesome Features - Barcode Scanner
- Added in Awesome Features - Digital Signature
v1.1.0 (January 5, 2021)
- Added in Awesome Features - App Theme (Light Theme, Dark Theme, Custom Theme)
v1.0.1 (December 18, 2020)
- Bug Fixed for Screen Home 1, Home 2 and Navigation Page 1 (Image URL)
v1.0.0 (December 18, 2020)
- Initial Released

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We will make updates to add features in the future to make this ui kit more perfect. If there is an update from the Flutter SDK, we will also perform updates to improve performance quality.

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